Finančný dar
V novembri 2012 skupina učiteľov z Kene prišla na Slovensko, aby sa priučili nášmu spôsobu učenia a práce so študentami.
Navštívili rôzne miesta Slovenska a jedným z tých miest bol aj Tisovec. S našou študentskou spoločnosťou Together strávili jeden deň, počas ktorého sme im ukázali, na čom pracujeme a tiež prácu bývalých študentských spoločností.
Mali sme možnosť sa s nimi porozprávať a oni nám porozprávali skúsenosti z ich práce.
Jeden z učiteľov, Teddy Malaho, prejavil záujem byť v kontakte s našou študenstkou spoločnosťou a pracovať na spoločnom projekte. Nanešťastie nám spolupráca nevyšla no povedali sme mu, že by sme radi finančne pomohli nejakej organizácii v Keni. Teddy nám predstavil organizáciu Gods Ambassadors of Love, ktorá sa stará o ľudí s ťažkými životnými podmienkami, ktorí pomoc naozaj potrebujú.
Aj napriek tomu, že Together nemá veľa peňazí, rozhodli sme sa im pomôcť a poslať peniaze, ktoré sme vyzbierali na plese, ktorý sme organizovali. Kontaktovali sme sa s organizáciou a oboznámili sme ich s tým, čo sa chystáme urobiť. Boli veľmi šťastní a nesmierne vďační. Poslali sme im peniaze, ako sme sľúbili a aj teraz sme s nimi v kontakte a navzájom si posielame fotky - my z našich akcií a oni z ich práce s ľuďmi v Keni.
text a foto: Lucia Novotná, 4. A
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Financial gift
In november 2012, a group of Kenyan teachers came to Slovakia to learn our way of teaching and working with students. They visited many towns and one of these towns was also Tisovec.
They spent a day with our student company Together and we showed them what we were working on and also the work of previous companies.
We could talk to them and they could share their own experiences. One of the teachers, Teddy Malaho, showed the interest to be in contact with our company and to work on some common project. Unfortunately, our cooperation was not successful and we did not make any project but we told him that we would like to provide some kind of help to some Kenyan organization. He told us about the organization Gods Ambassadors of Love, which cares about people with really tough lives and who really need it. Even though our student company does not have much Money, we decided to help them by sending a certain amount of money we collected during the prom that we organized.
We contacted the organization and informed them what we would like to do and they were really glad and thanked us for about million times. We sent them money as we promised and even now we are in touch and we are sending them the pictures of our company and our activities and they are also sending us the pictures of them.
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