Stretnutie 5. A 2006
V piatok 9. septembra 2011 sa v Tisovci uskutočnilo stretnutie absolventov EGT po piatich rokoch. Boli to žiaci, ktorí v 5. A triede maturovali v roku 2006.
Stretnutie sa začalo návštevou školy za prítomnosti riaditeľky EGT, Heleny Pašiakovej. a poslednej triednej učiteľky 5.A, Jarmily Šmeckovej. Absolventi sa usadili v triede podľa svojho niekdajšieho zasadacieho poriadku a všetci porozprávali o svojom pôsobení za posledných 5 rokov od maturity. Na záver triedna učiteľka konštatovala, že veľa sa nezmenilo, nakoľko atmosféra v triede bola rovnaká ako kedysi a vyrušovali opäť tí istí ľudia.
Potom sa stretnutie presunulo do reštaurácie Centrál, kde sa pripojili ďalšie dve triedne učiteľky, Jana Bosáková a Mária Muránska. Tu sme si dlhé čakanie na obed krátili prezeraním množstva fotografií z čias EGT, ktoré doniesol triedny fotograf Lukáš Macek.
Tým sa skončil oficiálny program a väčšina prítomných sa rozišla domov. Avšak, malá skupina odhodlaných študentov bývalej 5.A, ktorí si chceli dlhšie zaspomínať na staré časy, sa v kolóne áut presunula do rekreačného zariadenia na Prednej Hore, kde vo vysoko neformálnej atmosfére pokračovalo stretnutie celý víkend..
text: účastník stretnutia (participant of reunion)
foto: egt
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Reunion of 5A class 2006
On Friday, 9th September 2011, a reunion after the five years of EGT alumni took place in Tisovec. These were the students who in the year 2006 as the pupils of the 5th A class done the school leaving examination (maturita).
The meeting began with a visit of the school together with the principal Helena Pašiaková and the last class teacher of 5A, Jarmila Šmecková. The graduates were settled in accordance with their former class seating plan and everyone talked about his activity in the last five years. At the end the class teacher noted that much has not changed since the atmosphere in the classroom was the same as before: the students responsible for the disturbance were the same ones as the five years ago.
Then the meeting moved to a restaurant Centrál, where the other two class teachers Jana Bosáková and Mária Muránska joined the event. Here we were waiting a long time for a lunch so we viewed the pictures of our time at EGT, which were taken and brought by the class photographer Lukáš Macek.
Then the official program ended and the majority of the participants broke up the home. However, a small group of the former 5.A students, who wanted a longer recall the old times, moved to a recreation center in Predná Hora where the highly informal atmosphere continued throughout all the weekend.
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