Tisovec Lutheran High School      
bilingual Slovak-English


Reprise Made in Chin Chin at EGT

On 11th February 2020 we went to see the theater performance called Made in Chin Chin, which was prepared by members of theater ensemble EGTis.
Those, who did not attend the premiere , could enjoy it today. We were intrigued by thrilling and funny storyline of young Čim and his dear Čin. Method of scenario processing was original and therefore the performance was succesful. Actors were fully enjoying their roles, what was reflected on positive reactions of audience. We are already looking forward to their next theater performance.

text: Sofia Kirchmaierová, Anna Luptáková, Simona Strigáčová, Milota Rajchelová, 3. B
photo: PaedDr. Miriam Kubinská

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Repríza Made in Chin Chin v EGT

Dňa 11. februára 2020 v čase chapelu sme sa boli pozrieť na divadlo pod názvom Made in Chin Chin, ktoré si pre nás pripravili členovia divadelného súboru EGéTis.
Tí, ktorí sa nezúčastnili premiéry si tak mohli predstavenie vychutnať práve dnes. Zaujal nás napínavý a vtipný dej mladého Čima a jeho Činky. Spôsob spracovania bol originálny a preto malo divadlo u žiakov úspech. Svoje herecké roly si herci naplno užívali, čo sa odrazilo na pozitívnych reakciách nás - divákov.
Už teraz sa tešíme na ich ďalšie divadelné predstavenie.

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Tisovec Lutheran High School, Jesenského 836, 98061 Tisovec, 047 5511 700, skola@egt.sk