Tisovec Lutheran High School      
bilingual Slovak-English


High school fair

A high school fair took place on the 4th of October 2018 at the cultural hall in Rimavská Sobota. Of course, our school couldn't miss it! We sent the following representatives: Lea Domská (3B), Diana Hanesovská and Dominik Krštieň (4A), Mrs. Vojteková and Miss Clara Rich.
We were pleased by great interest from participating students. However there were fewer pupils attending the fair than in past years. Those who were interested could find out how EGT works and which extracurricular activities are offered or just have a little talk with our native speaker, Clara.
We believe that our talkativeness, knowledge and positive feelings towards our school persuaded many prospective students and that we will see them at Open Doors Day on 10th Dec and as new EGT students next September!

text: Lea Domská, 3. B
photo: egt

The fastest way to view the pictures on a touch screen: tap the last thumbnail, then by taping move backward through the pictures!


Burza stredných škôl

Vo štvrtok 4.októbra 2018 sa v Kultúrnom dome v Rimavskej Sobote konala burza stredných škôl. Naša škola samozrejme nemohla chýbať! Zúčastnili sme sa jej v zložení: Lea Domská(3. B), Diana Hanesovská a Dominik Krštieň(4. A), pani učiteľka Vojteková a slečna Clara Richová.
Potešil nás veľký záujem, aj keď účastníkov bolo menej ako minulé roky. Tí, ktorí mali záujem využili možnosť zistiť ako EGT funguje, aké voľnočasové aktivity sú v ponuke alebo sa len porozprávať s rodenou Američankou Clarou.
Veríme, že našou výrečnosťou, znalosťou a dobrým vzťahom ku škole sme presvedčili mnoho detí a že sa s nimi uvidíme na Dni otvorených dverí(10. decembra) a v budúcoročnom septembri ako so žiakmi EGT!

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Tisovec Lutheran High School, Jesenského 836, 98061 Tisovec, 047 5511 700, skola@egt.sk