Tisovec Lutheran High School      
bilingual Slovak-English


Workshop on financial literacy

From 11th to 15th December 2017, a workshop took place at our school. The students of the 3rd year were engaged in financial literacy. Every day we had a different guest sharing from various areas of finances – a tradesmen, tax office staff, people from banking institutions, or a payroll accountant.
These guests acquainted us with their work. Throughout the week there were the lectures on business, investment opportunities, insurances, savings, and earnings accompanied by the practical tasks we managed to solve easily.
At the end of the week we had the opportunity to check our level of financial knowledge in a FQ test and to subject our skills to testing in the game of Financial Freedom with Mr. Ing. Ján Štofira. The game was supposed to show us how the money is to be handled throughout our lives.

text: Veronika Szilárdiová, 3. B
photo: egt

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Workshop o finančnej gramotnosti

V dňoch od 11. do 15. decembra 2017 na našej škole prebiehal workshopový týždeň. My, žiaci 3. ročníka, sme sa venovali finančnej gramotnosti. Každý deň sme mali inú vzácnu návštevu z rôznych oblastí financií – živnostníci, pracovníci Daňového úradu, bankovej inštitúcie či mzdová účtovníčka.
Pozvaní hostia nám priblížili svoju prácu. Počas celého týždňa prebiehali prednášky o podnikaní, možnostiach investovania, poisteniach, sporení a príjmoch spojené s praktickými úlohami, ktoré sme hravo zvládli.
Na záver týždňa sme zisťovali úroveň našich finančných vedomostí pomocou FQ testu a otestovali si zručnosti pri hre Finančná sloboda s pánom Ing. Jánom Štofirom. Hra nám mala priblížiť manipuláciu s peniazmi počas celého života.

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Tisovec Lutheran High School, Jesenského 836, 98061 Tisovec, 047 5511 700, skola@egt.sk