Tisovec Lutheran High School      
bilingual Slovak-English


Farewell chapel

Tthe last - farewell - chapel organized by the pupils of the 5B class in cooperation with the school spiritual leader Lýdia Naďová, was held on May 2, 2017.
The event proceeded under the motto Obstacles on the road to Lord. In the form of scenes, songs, and photographies, they (and the other classmates) reminded of their five-year life at EGT.

text: egt
photo: Ing. Juraj Remeň

Closing song

The fastest way to view the pictures on a touch screen: tap the last thumbnail, then by taping move backward through the pictures!


Rozlúčkový chapel

2. mája 2017 sa uskutočnil posledný - "rozlúčkový" - chapel, ktorý zorganizovali žiaci 5. B triedy v spolupráci so školskou spirituálkou Lýdiou Naďovou.
Podujatie sa konalo s mottom Prekážky na ceste Bohu. Formou scénok, pesničiek a premietaním fotografií si (aj ostatní spolužiaci) pripomenuli svoje, chýliace sa ku koncu, päťročné pôsobenie na EGT.

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Tisovec Lutheran High School, Jesenského 836, 98061 Tisovec, 047 5511 700, skola@egt.sk