Tisovec Lutheran High School      
bilingual Slovak-English


Multi-Culti Food Fest

On the first day of December 2016, JA company G.E.T prepared Multi-Culti Food Fest for our school that took place in the building of EGT, on the second floor during the evening time. The goals of this event were – to eat as much as you could and to reconcile the relationships between students in the meaning of knowing all the students from the entire school, not only from their class.
According to G.E.T, the goals got fulfilled and it was a pleasure to watch all of the blissful expressions of the participants. The food was amazing and the atmosphere was even better! We have to remember that the Multi-culti food fest was only one step towards the reconciliation of the students of EGT. We cannot forget about it and we have to continue being in the mood of the reconciliation!

text: Viktória Alexandra Hrivnaková 4. A, Matúš Koncoš 4. B
photo: G.E.T.

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Multi-culti food fest

Prvý decembrový deň 2016 si JA firma G.E.T. pripravila pre našu školu Multi-culti food fest, ktorý prebiehal v budove EGT vo večerných hodinách. Cieľom tejto akcie nebolo len pochutiť si na výborných jedlách, ale tiež zblížiť kolektív EGT, aby sme neboli viacej separovaní po triedach či ročníkoch.
Z pohľadu G.E.T. sa náš zámer vydaril. S radosťou sme sledovali blažené výrazy na tvárach zúčastnených. Jedlo bolo výborné a atmosféra ešte lepšia! No je potrebné si uvedomiť, že Multi-culti food fest bol len prvým krôčikom ku zblíženiu sa navzájom. A tak veríme, že v duchu upevňovania kolektívu budeme pokračovať.

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Tisovec Lutheran High School, Jesenského 836, 98061 Tisovec, 047 5511 700, skola@egt.sk