Tisovec Lutheran High School      
bilingual Slovak-English


Wycliffe Mission

This Friday, October 16, 2015, our school had special guests from Kenya and Wycliffe Mission Slovakia talking about how they try to make a difference.
The students who saw their presentation were taught a song in an African language expressing how God's blessings are all around us. They may also have heard the story of one specific area in Kenya that, thanks to people supporting this mission, could have a school built. 150 children are being taught there how to read, write and other things that may help them step out of their own village and see more of what the world is like.
As Wycliffe mission Slovakia celebrates its 10th anniversary, they invited us to join their adventure of trying to collect 10-cent-coins throughout this schoolyear and to support their efforts in Kenya with whatever sum we get till May. It may help to provide the school we have mentioned, or other like that, with new classes, teachers, food for children so that they won't have to skip school in order to get some, or even with the well for the school and its surroundings, which would bring a huge difference in the lives of children and their families.
Finally, our students bought some exhibited products made by African children and in this way also help those, who need it.
EGT and Wycliffe mission agreed on further cooperation and reciprocal exchange of informations.

text and photo: egt

Wycliffe mission and guests from Kenya

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Wycliffova misia

V piatok 16. októbra 2015 navštívili našu školu hostia z Kene a Wycliffovej misie na Slovensku.
Rozprávali nám o tom, akým spôsobom sa prostredníctvom ich práce snažia o zmenu.
Študenti prítomní na prezentácii sa mohli naučiť africkú pieseň, ktorá hovorí o tom, ako nás obklopujú Božie požehnania. Vypočuli si príbeh jednej konkrétnej školy v Keni, ktorá bola postavená vďaka ľuďom podporujúcim túto misiu. Dnes sa tam okolo 150 detí s 2 učiteľmi učí čítať, písať a mnohé ďalšie veci, ktoré im umožnia v budúcnosti vyjsť za hranice ich vlastnej dediny a vidieť svet v širšej perspektíve.
Keďže Wycliffova misia na Slovensku oslavuje svoje 10. výročie, pozvali nás pridať sa k ich dobrodružstvu a počas tohto školského roka zbierať do pokladničiek 10-centové mince. Do mája takto vyzbierané prostriedky pomôžu zabezpečiť školám ako tá, o ktorej sme počuli, nové triedy, učiteľov, uniformy, pomôcky, či dokonca zdroj pitnej vody. To by prinieslo veľký pokrok do života týchto detí, aj ich rodín.
Na záver si naši žiaci kúpili vystavené predmety vyrobené africkými deťmi a aj touto formou pomohli tým, ktorí to potrebujú.
EGT a Wycliffova misia sa dohodli na ďalšej spolupráci a vzájomnej výmene informácií.

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Tisovec Lutheran High School, Jesenského 836, 98061 Tisovec, 047 5511 700, skola@egt.sk