Tisovec Lutheran High School      
bilingual Slovak-English


Sport games of Lutheran gymnasia

This event was held in Košice for two days - from the 12th to the 13th of June 2014. The competitions were divided into four categories: volleyball – girls, futsal – boys, basketball – girls, basketball – boys, our school was represented by these boys: Lukáš Jasenka, Peter Kurek, Maroš Melicher, Vratko Sabó, Michal Salva, Alex Szunayai, Marek Truhan and Boris Vengrín – they were representing both of the boy's categories – futsal and basketball. At this competition seven different Lutheran, secondary grammar schools met.
Our boys didn't win any place, but they got a chance to exchange experiences with other pupils as well as to create new friendships among themselves. At the end of this meeting they gave some suggestions to add some other sports to the competition in the future – for example, floor ball and table tennis. The next meeting will be held in two years, so that's why we are encouraging other students to make some effort and join sport activities later on during their studies.

text: Lýdia Naďová
photo: JR

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Športové hry evanjelických gymnázií

V dňoch 12. – 13. júna 2014 sa uskutočnilo celoslovenské športové podujatie v Košiciach v štyroch rôznych kategóriách a to: volejbal – dievčatá, futsal – chlapci, basketbal – dievčatá, basketbal – chlapci, našu školu reprezentovali: Lukáš Jasenka, Peter Kurek, Maroš Melicher, Vratko Sabó, Michal Salva, Alex Szunayai, Marek Truhan a Boris Vengrín – títo zastúpili dve kategórie: futsal a basketbal. Na turnaji sa stretlo 7 evanjelických škôl.
Naši chlapci sa neumiestnili ani v jednej kategórií, no i napriek tomu došlo k výmenám skúseností, ako aj k nadviazaniu nových priateľstiev. Zároveň skonštatovali, že by uvítali, aby sa tohto podujatia zúčastnili aj dievčatá. Okrem toho sa skoro všetci zhodli v tom, že by uvítali aj iné športy – ako napr. florbal a stolný tenis. Ďalšie stretnutie sa uskutoční až o dva roky, a preto povzbudzujeme aj ostatných študentov, aby sa zaktivizovali a zapojili do tohto podujatia.

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Tisovec Lutheran High School, Jesenského 836, 98061 Tisovec, 047 5511 700, skola@egt.sk