Tisovec Lutheran High School      
bilingual Slovak-English


EGT Message


The evaluation of the society by the last Czechoslovakian president Václav Havel, who almost two decades ago named the events in the country as something that gives "a stupid mood", is unfortunately actual still today. This "stupid mood" results in many people by viewing the general decline of the moral values, growing economic uncertainty, cynicism, corruption, and expediency in the political, economic and cultural elite.
The pessimism in the development of the whole society, in the national and in the international area is the growing phenomenon. The school is not immune to these trends. In addition to this, schools are facing new challenges, significantly determined by the demographic decline of the population, decreasing its knowledge and social level.
For us, as a Lutheran school, it is important not to lose the hope and resign, but to stand firm in the values in which we believe.


in the realm of assessment and grading:
  • 1. we don't want to reduce the level of expectations in the name of the silent support of the so-called inflation of grading, in which the preservation of knowledge requirements is replaced by an effort to arouse the general satisfaction of the students and parents, because not the grades, but the education alone is of value

in the realm of Christian and general moral values we will:
  • 2. try to resist the life stance, which in small personal inconsistencies, occasional lies, special-purpose self-pity, false self-justification or open moral deformation sees the completely normal, legitimate action

  • 3. support the awareness of personal responsibility for acts and decisions as a key moment of adolescence and the inclusion of the young man into society

  • 4. develop the respect for the specific spiritual quest of each individual and thereby avoid the presentation of a Christian and specifically Lutheran character of the school in the spirit of the self-confident conservatism without any heart and sensitivity to the life and thinking of a contemporary young man, which at the same time does not mean to fall into the world of thought and spiritual ultra-liberalism, that is, at its core, rather amongst emptiness and pseudo-respect.

in the realm of civic values and attitudes we will:
  • 5. support critical thinking and self-reflection of the social conditions, challenges and trends

  • 6. strengthen the feeling and a sense of a social dialogue, openness in meetings with the people ideologically or culturally different and the ability to clearly identify the hazards stemming from the efforts to enforce the extremist and xenophobic "solutions" of the social problems and pressures of today

  • 7. encourage young people to hold active and interested attitudes and participate in the life of a closer community, but also of the society in the broad sense of the word.

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Tisovec Lutheran High School, Jesenského 836, 98061 Tisovec, 047 5511 700, skola@egt.sk