Tisovec Lutheran High School      
bilingual Slovak-English


Yes Green at EGT

On February 20-25, 2022, EGT hosted the continuation of the international project YES GREEN. Participants - students and teachers from Estonia, Lithuania, the Czech Republic and Bulgaria.
In Tisovec, the pupils presented their project works. They worked in groups, each group was represented by a participant from each country parcipated in the project, presentation topics: green energy use, recycling, biowaste, green buildings, rainwater collecting, energy saving.
The students also took part directly in classes, attended various creative and craft workshops, visited the Tisovec town hall, where they were welcomed by the Mayor.
Among the other things, they also visited the cottage on Zbojská and ancient mining Slovakian city of Banská Štiavnica.

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text and photo: egt, Vasi Misheva

Yes Green EGT

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Yes Green na EGT

V dňoch 20.- 25. februára 2022 hostilo EGT pokračovanie medzinárodného projektu YES GREEN. Účastníci - žiaci a pedagógovia z Estónska, Litvy, Českej republiky a Bulharska.
V Tisovci žiaci prezentovali svoje projektové práce. Pracovali v skupinách, každú skupinu zastupoval účastník z každej krajiny zapojenej do projektu, témy prezentácií: využitie zelenej energie, recyklácia, bioodpad, zelené budovy, zhromažďovanie dažďovej vody, šetrenie energiou.
Študenti sa zúčastňovali aj priamo na vyučovaní, absovovali rôzne kreatívne a remeselné workshopy, navštívili tisovský mestský úrad, kde ich privítala primátorka mesta.
Okrem iného navštívili aj chatu na Zbojskách a Banskú Štiavnicu.

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Tisovec Lutheran High School, Jesenského 836, 98061 Tisovec, 047 5511 700, skola@egt.sk