Black and White Party
On November 29, 2007 students company EGTop organized Black and White Party for EGT students. It was a discotheque done in black and white spirit. The pupils dresses conformed to the spirit of the movements, i.e. they were in black and white colors. The dancers performed very well on the discotheque floor.
There was an opportunity to to refresh in the buffet after the exhausting dance. EGTop members sold there the soft drinks, popcorn and salted bars. The Party started at 6:00 p.m. so there was a great fun for four hours. Ms principal visited the Party and had a dance with us too.
text and photo: Zuzka Krejčiová, 4. A
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Black and White párty
Dňa 29.novembra 2007 študentská spoločnosť EGTop usporiadala Black and White Párty pre študentov EGT. Bola to diskotéka, ktorá sa niesla v čierno-bielom duchu. Tomu zodpovedalo aj oblečenie zabávajúcich sa študentov, ktorým to na tanečnom parkete išlo naozaj vynikajúco.
Po únavnom tanci sa mohli občerstviť v bufete, kde členovia firmy predávali nealkoholické nápoje, pop-corn a slané tyčinky. Keďže párty začala o 18.00, zúčastnení sa výborne zabávali štyri hodiny a svojou návštevou nás poctila aj pani riaditeľka, ktorá si s nami tiež zatancovala. text +
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