Tisovec Lutheran High School      
bilingual Slovak-English


Velvet Revolution and Ukraine

On Tuesday, November 15, 2022, as part of the Chapel lesson, our school commemorated November 17 - the Day of the Fight for Freedom and Democracy, which is also known as Student Day or the beginning of the Velvet Revolution. 33 years have passed since the significant event that marked the fall of the totalitarian regime and the beginning of democracy on the territory of Czechoslovakia.
The seminarians from the fourth and fifth years also brought the Velvet Revolution closer to us and presented it.
At the same time, we also remembered the events connected with the long-lasting war in Ukraine. Pupils participating in the discussion forum in Košice presented the current situation and ordinary life during the war, such as the functioning of education and households through the narration and stories of Ukrainian female teachers. At the end, the Ukrainian anthem was played, as a sign of solidarity and also the sign of the realization that if we were not in solidarity, the meaning of November 17 and the freedom gained would lose their meaning.

text: Juliana Papáčová, 4. A
photo: Denis Dovala, 4. B

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Nežná revolúcia a Ukrajina

V utorok 15. novembra 2022 si ako škola v rámci hodiny Chapel pripomenuli 17. november - Deň boja za slobodu a demokraciu, ktorý poznáme tiež ako Deň študentstva alebo začiatok Nežnej revolúcie. Od významnej udalosti, ktorá zaznamenala pád totalitného režimu a nástup demokracie na území Československa uplynulo už 33 rokov. Nežnú revolúciu nám viac priblížili a predstavili aj seminaristky zo štvrtého a piateho ročníka.
Zároveň sme si pripomenuli aj udalosti spojené s dlhotrvajúcou vojnou na Ukrajine. Žiaci zúčastnení na diskusnom fóre v Košiciach predstavili súčasnú situáciu a bežný život počas vojny ako fungovanie školstva či domácností prostredníctvom rozprávania a príbehov ukrajinských učiteliek. Na záver zaznela ukrajinská hymna, na znak solidárnosti a tiež uvedomenia si, že ak by sme solidárni neboli, význam 17. novembra a získaná sloboda by stratili zmysel.

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Tisovec Lutheran High School, Jesenského 836, 98061 Tisovec, 047 5511 700, skola@egt.sk